By , on August 26th, 2022 Healthy Lifestyle


Essentially, “Yoga” means Union with the Ultimate.

A few questions come to mind when we say, “union with the ultimate”. For example, what is “the ultimate”? How does one know that they have united with the ultimate? What does this experience feel like?

Let us see if we can find answers to these questions.


By , on August 15th, 2022 Healthy Lifestyle


The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to unite’. Literally, “Yoga” means “Union” – with “The Ultimate”.

Today the practice of Yoga has become so ubiquitous world-wide, and many see Yoga as a system of health and fitness regimen. Even so, a good number of folks, especially in […]

By , on September 14th, 2019 Yoga


You may have heard AUM, or OM, in your yoga or meditation classes.

Have you wondered about the significance of the AUM syllable and where it came from?Why on earth would we want to start the session chanting AUM? Why not HO-HO-HO for lively starters!?

Let us take a look at it…….

AUM, or […]