Action: The Key to Transform Dreams into Reality

The wise say that every one of us have unlimited potential within us…..just waiting to be tapped!!!

The more we understand the laws of the Universe, the more we realize that the power to transform our dreams into reality and the power to create reside within ourselves.

Many of us may dream big. But when it comes to the transformation of dreams into reality, most of us fall behind.

A key culprit for this lack of transformation of dreams into reality is our own inaction.

Similar to the fact that every static object needs enough force to overcome its inertia in order to set it into motion, every dream needs enough action-force to overcome its inertia in order to set it into motion in the path of transformation into reality.

Nothing comes from nothing; but something comes from action.

“Even a mediocre idea that is put into practice is far more valuable than a flash of genius that languishes in a fallow, undisciplined mind.” – Napoleon Hill

So, take that first step toward materializing your dreams; and continue each day, moving closer and closer to the finish line of your dream.

“If you try and fail, make another effort, and still another, until you succeed.” – Napoleon Hill


Essentially, “Yoga” means Union with the Ultimate.

A few questions come to mind when we say, “union with the ultimate”. For example, what is “the ultimate”? How does one know that they have united with the ultimate? What does this experience feel like?

Let us see if we can find answers to these questions.



The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to unite’. Literally, “Yoga” means “Union” – with “The Ultimate”.

Today the practice of Yoga has become so ubiquitous world-wide, and many see Yoga as a system of health and fitness regimen. Even so, a good number of folks, especially in […]


You may have heard AUM, or OM, in your yoga or meditation classes.

Have you wondered about the significance of the AUM syllable and where it came from?Why on earth would we want to start the session chanting AUM? Why not HO-HO-HO for lively starters!?

Let us take a look at it…….

AUM, or […]

Life Redefined

Have you ever wondered what Life really is? What does it mean to say that something has Life?

This phenomenon we call Life has been always been so mysterious and fascinating to so many of us.

And in spite of the rapid advances in science and technology, we still have no satisfactory logical explanation of […]

The Illusion of Separateness – The Biggest Illusion of All

“Who am I?” – is a universal and timeless question that every person wonders.

Let me ask you: Do you really know who you are?

If you ask me, I may tell you that “I am Iris”.

“We realize – often quite suddenly – that our sense of self, which has been formed and constructed […]

Create Your Destiny – Use Your Mind, Take Charge of Your Life

If you look closely at this marvelous process of Life, you will realize that anything and everything physical or materialistic in world has a tendency to be cyclical in nature.

When you see six feet of snow outside, you’re not worried that it’s going to be winter for the rest of your life.

You […]

Conscious Healthy Living Free from Stress

“Stress” appears to be like this nagging but unavoidable shadow-friend that accompanies us everywhere. It is like that extra perception or sixth sense that tries to “weigh in” on everything we do, irrespective of whether we need that extra perception or not.

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven […]

Healthy Living: Organic vs. Biodynamic Farming


The popularity of organic foods has increased recently. In fact, the need for an eco-friendly organic life style is now being accepted as an essential factor for our survival.

Products from intensified agricultural techniques using chemical pesticides and fertilizers have been linked to the incidents of various negative health consequences such as cancer. Gone […]

Using Yoga Swings for Inversion

Omni Gym inversion swing

I’ve tried various inversion systems such as inversion table and others.

But although the inversion felt good, my knees and ankles were hurting. It is probably because my knee joints and ankles are weak and was stretched and strained by supporting the body weight when inverting.

So I decided to try the Yoga Swings […]